Extreme tension in the eyes with diminution of the visual power; he cannot distinguish anything because he sees everything double and objects run into one another. Sometimes the exertion of vision can result in an amelioration of the eyesight. Dim vision which is improved by looking steadily. Yellow spots before the eyes; crescent-shaped bodies floating obliquely upwards. Sees fiery points.
Horizontal hemiopia; upper lost, lower lost. Moonlight ameliorates vision. Sparks in vision from exertion of mind.
Obstinate offensive discharge. Deafness with embarrassed speech. They hear roaring noises in bed in the morning. Acute hearing; music ameliorates.
Abscess behind ear. Mastoiditis, with severe pain driving the patient to suicide.
Threatened caries. There are sequelae to discharges from ears. Suppressed discharges. Pain behind left ear; boring pain behind left ear. Pricking pain in ear.
The most interesting observations here come from Kent and concern the purely syphilitic aspect of the remedy. Today we do not see clinical pictures such as these, but it is an important aspect of the remedy and might be of use as analogy – "The bones of the nose necrose: syphilitic necrosis, the nose flattens down; the bones are discharged. You see these people walking about with flattened down noses, and if you get near enough to them, the stench will be observed. They are nearly all syphilitics. A few remedies have the power of curing this syphilitic nose condition; Aurum, Mercury and Hepar are three of them. I once cured a man after the bones were completely softened, so that when the nose was handled it would bend right over; only a sort of cartilaginous structure held the nose in place. I gave the patient Hepar. It cured him of syphilis after he had been filled in vain with Mercury. Tip of nose nobby, red, like Lachesis; strawberry nose. Little nobs on the nose composed of varicose veins in heart cases with disturbance of the right side
of the heart.."
Agglutination of nostrils. Inflammation of the bones of the nose.
Nodosities in the nose. Pain, boring, in the night, worse by any touch. Ulceration with pain in the right nostril. Ulcerative pain on the right side, inside of nose. Fetid, purulent, bloody discharge. Catarrh is ameliorated by the open air. Albuminous discharge from the nose. Cancer of the nose. Cracks in nostrils. Pain at night; boring pain in bones. Obstruction of nose in children [snuffles]. Imaginary and real odors that are offensive, putrid on blowing nose. On blowing the nose there is sore, bruised external pain. Knotty swelling of nose. Knobby tip of nose.