Chills, confusion of head, face red, swollen; eyelids tumefied; great prostration and slight delirium. Violent fever with headache, glowing red face, inward chilliness
and sensitiveness to air. Chill over whole body, particulary sensible in arm pits.
Nervous crawls all over body, especially during fever. A violent attack of an eruption like nettlerash. Itching on various parts of body. Nettlerash over whole body. Nettlerash with liver complaints. Erysipelas, with fever, headache and increased sweat
Cough. Diarrhoea. Glands enlarged. Intermittent fever. Jaundice. Liver complaints. Nettle-rash. Shiverings. Disorders of stomach.
Compare: Apis, Rhus tox., Belladona, Chloralum, Homar.
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