Male – genitalia
Restless sleep from strong sexual excitement. Averse to coition; diminished sexual power; scrotum relaxed.
Roughness in throat, necessitating hawking. Dyspnoea with anxiety and rattling of mucus. Congestion of lungs with dyspnoea and blood-spitting. Pressure in chest and oppressed breathing. Tickling in glottis or deeper, exciting cough; tenacious mucus in larynx and trachea. Cough from tickling in larynx, during day. Cough better walking, in evening, but returned as soon as he sat down. Cough in afternoon; chest painful. Light yellow expectoration. Pricking under left nipple.
Pulse 50 in morning, later 80. Sweetish expectoration.
Pain below right shoulder in front. Itching in nape of neck with flushed face.
Swelling of cervical glands with children and old people. Jerking under left kidney.
Pressure and tension in axillae and deltoid muscles. Trembling in arms when leaning on them. Rheumatic pain in left arm. Lassitude in arms, they pain when touched. Pressure and heaviness in bends of elbows. Chilliness and trembling of arms. Transitory tearing and stinging pain in left thumb, in morning. Burning on anterior surface of left thigh. Slight tension from knee down to foot.
Restless sleep, anxious or lewd dreams, skin hot, wakes in perspiration, particularly on lower part of body.