
Essence of Materia Medica – page 187

The main idea characterising Staphysagria is SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS, particularly those centering around romantic rela-tionships. Staphysagria patients are very excitable, very easily aroused. Their problems are then compounded when they do not allow natural outlets for their arousal. It can manifest in basi¬cally two ways which are typified by women and men. In women, the emotional suppression results in a state of sweet passivity and resignation—a kind of timidity. In men, this sensitivity may not be so obvious; to the outside world they may appear mas¬culine, even hard, but inside they experience the same kind of delicate sensitivity and romantic vulnerability.
The Staphysagria woman is rather delicate and highly strung. She is a nice person, very considerate of others. She is a person who feels her problems belong to her alone. She would never pre¬sume to be a burden to others. At the outset of the homoeop¬athic interview, the Staphysagria patient offers very little information. She tends to talk only about the specific problems. It is not that she is a closed person in the true sense; she is merely reluctant to become burdensome to the prescriber. The Staph¬ysagria woman is not outgoing or forceful. She is reserved, but with a sweetness. If the prescriber shows sincere interest and sym¬pathy, the patient will open up quickly. This is in marked contrast to Ignatia, which is truly reserved; the Ignatia patient is aloof and guarded—difficult to open up
The Staphysagria patient is never egoistical, harsh, or proud. Even the Staphysagria man, who may appear strong and masculine to outward appearances, is very sensitive and timid inside. There is a true humility arising from an internal assumption of pow-erlessness. The Staphysagria patient feels unable to fight even for her own rights. In early years, she experiences a few confrontations—however minor—and quickly learns to submit to any quarrel or imposition.
Even when she is in the right—when someone treats her unjustly—she will not fight back. She swallows her indignation,