
Essence of Materia Medica – page 185

weakness of the mind becomes so great that it cannot maintain its focus. Other ideas intrude, and the patient cannot set them aside or organise them properly.
These exhausted, tubercular patients experience neuralgias which gradually build up and then gradually decrease. Typically, Stan-num symptoms increase and decrease during daytime hours— following the sun, as it is described in the books. This is not truly an aggravation from exposure to the sun; rather, it is a gradual crescendo which begins around mid-morning, peaks around 2 p.m., and then a decrescendo by late afternoon. Stannum hea-daches, for example, are typically worse between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This approximates the 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. aggravation of Natrum mur., but extends later in the afternoon and has a typ¬ical rising and falling curve of intensity.
Also Stannum complaints—whether neuralgia, headache, cough, or lumbago—have a characteristic 5 a.m. aggravation.
Stannum patients often describe a characteristic weakness in the chest, even if they do not suffer from the usual tuberculosis, dysp-noea, or bronchial asthma. It seems to be a kind of emptiness, but patients usually use the term "weakness". It especially comes on while the patient is talking. I have seen this many times in Stannum.
There is a peculiar symptom in Stannum; anxiety before menses, ameliorated with the flow. This is a strong characteristic. Such a symptom would suggest Lachesis, but be sure to remember Stannum, especially in a patient complaining of fatigue, extreme aggravation from slightest exertion, and daytime aggravation.
Phosphoric acid of course, is a remedy which is often thought of in exhausted patients, but this is much more of an emotional weakness. The main characteristic of Phosphoric acid is apathy. A Phosphoric acid patient can watch his house burn down, and he won’t feel moved at all. Stannum patients, however, do have feelings in spite of their exhaustion. A young Stannum girl with tuberculosis can fall in love with a man; she lias feelings. A Stan-num man can enjoy his new car, where as Phosphoric acid patient would be completely indifferent about such a thing.
Muriatic acid is another remedy which has tremendous debility,