
Essence of Materia Medica – page 183

The word which characterises Stannum is EXHAUSTION. Whenever a patient presents as a main complaint general debility, on whatever level, Stannum is one of the main remedies to keep in mind. There is a deep and chronic weakness and debility which colours every aspect of the case.
The Stannum appearance is quite distinctive. These are old tuber-culous patients—people who had tuberculosis 20 years ago and now they complain of colds, flu, and many bronchial problems. Throughout their lives, they become progressively weak until each cold leads to great exhaustion and bronchial troubles with copi-ous, sweet-tasting mucous; the bronchi are a clear region of localization with Stannum. These people have skin which is yellowish-copper in colour. The skin has a thickness to it—like leather. Stannum people are skinny, exhausted and pale. You will never see a Stannum patient with a rosy colour such as you see in Pulsatilla, Ferrum, or Calc. carb.
The exhaustion of Stannum is almost without parallel. The weakness is so great that they have a feeling of heat under the skin. They even say that their eyes are "burning from weakness". Another description they use is that the weakness seems to be felt flowing through the veins. Fatigue, of course, is a fairly common symptom in sick patients, but in Stannum it is so strik¬ing that the patients use such vivid imagery to describe their feel¬ings.
The exhaustion in Stannum is so great that even the slightest exertion becomes a great source of aggravation. They become exhausted even from the effort of talking; whenever a patient tells you that he becomes short of breath after talking for a few minutes on the phone, be sure to think of Stannum. To observe such a patient sitting quietly in chair, you would never imagine the severity of his condition. However, if you ask the patient to go over to the examination table, he immediately becomes so short of breath that you become alarmed. Even the act of going to the basin to wash his face in the morning is a great effort. In my experience, there is only one other remedy which has such great