
Essence of Materia Medica – page 174

SEPIA SUCCUS (Sep.) (first version)
Stasis comes into mind when studying Sepia. Static which comes because of some action on dynamic plane. When the two poles of the energy in the body come together and cause a state of non-existence. (Naturally there is a bipolar condition in the body with the sex determined by a prevalence of one of the hormones in the body). What happens when hormonal balance is exactly the same in the body, is that a Sepia is produced. Exact balance of two opposing forces. (The urge for sex is the urge to bring about a balance, to release the excess of one or the other hormones). In Sepia, there is no need for such a release. Hormonal balance is equal, so are indifferent to sex. The idea of neutrality. Does not realise she has aversion to sex until the partner demands the sex, then she realises she has an aversion.
The idea of stasis. She does not have the natural curves of women. No curves, she is thin, flat-chested. (Ant. lobe of hypophysis is not working properly). If a woman has that build, the trouble is congenital. You will find it difficult to correct this balance. Sterility, inhabitual abortions (Miscarriages). Miscarriages are in the third to fifth month. Frigidity, great sensitivity in the hormonal balance. Stress can’t be tolerated. Can be overthrown, out of balance, by having sexual intercourse quite frequently.
Idea of stasis on the physical level. Autonomic system has two opposing forces that clash and become neutralised. Statsis of uterus, prolapsus of uterus. Muscle becomes weak because of the loss of control by the autonomic nervous system. Sense of fullness in the rectum. She has constipation without urging. Ernpry feeling in the stomach, a kind of gnawing hunger. Aversion to food, even the smell. Constant nausea, worse in the morning (pregnancy morning sickness). Especially if there is an aversion to sex since she became pregnant. Aversion to husband. She eats and eats and can’t get a full feeling. Vessels do not contract and dilate. Think of Reynaud’s disease. Sepia has low blood pressure. A paralysis of the vessels; they are not functioning properly. White to red to blue, with the stasis, needs vigorous activity