
Essence of Materia Medica – page 172

Stiffness, all over the body, especially on the joints. The jaw has stiffness and cracking. Emotional level is also incapable of spon-taneous warmth, expression; some coldness. In love, they prefer the other shows love and affection to them, rather than they show-ing it. They have fear of being hurt. Become stiff in the mental level and get fixed iedas. Main idea—of being stiff and bound up, unable to relax. They feel tendons are stiff and hard, have to move all the time, stretching all the time to loosen them up. Very sensitive in the cervical region; stretching the neck all the time. Great sensitivity to draft on the cervical area—get a kind of dullness in the mind and then a kind of sleepiness. Worse in cold, damp weather. Will feel a draught, even if it is very minute (Kali carb.), but Kali carb. does not have the sensitivity in the cervical area. (Calc. phos., Cimic. are also sensitive in the cervical region). Worse after exposure to cold, wet and rain. Upper edges of trapezoid are mostly affected. Extreme restlessness, get relief from moving. First, movement is painful and relieving, but momentary and then they have to change positions again. He will be sitting there stretching, moving his legs, feeling as if a vice has caught the part that is stiff. When stiff, applying con¬tinuous effort to move. (Sepia has a kind of rhythm inside that has to be expressed through dancing). Stiffness and cracking in all joints, but mostly in the neck.
Irritated easily, not a big margin of tolerance (for aggravation, noises, etc.). Anxiety may progress into another state that is a fear that some bad misfortune will happen. Worse with weather changes; feel miserable, unhappy, discouraged and hopeless. Worse from water; for the Rhus tox, the water itself can eventually antidote the remedy. Better in warm, dry weather, locally and generally, relieves them emotionally as well. They themselves can’t know warmth and emotion. Stiffness, bound up on the emotional level. Can get superstitious eventually, after fixed ideas on the mental plane. Worse evening when sun sets (Puis., Phos.). Can continue the whole evening through the night. Very much stiffness and pain at the moment he wakes up. Great desire for