
Essence of Materia Medica – page 165

The Plumbum patient is one which falls under the modern clin¬ical category of ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. The Plumbum image is very similar to that seen in arteriosclerotic patients. It is a remedy which is very slow in its progression. The early pathology is barely noticeable but there is a slow and steady progression toward PARESIS on all levels.
Intellectually, there is a torpor, a sluggishness of mental functions. This slowness is seen both in perceptive and expressive functions. These patients are slow to receive impressions and slow to express themselves. This impairment is expressed quite dramatically by a characteristic symptom on the physical level—when stuck with a pin, they are slow to react (this symptom is most striking in Cocculus, but is found in Alumina and Plumbum as well). There is slowness in perceiving external impressions, slow-ness of comprehension, and slowness in response.
A most characteristic impairment on the intellectual level in Plumbum is loss of memory—especially for words. This loss of memory in Plumbum is excessive in relation to the age of the patient. They strain to find the correct word for what they want to express, but they cannot. It is as if the specific location in the brain which governs this type of memory has had its circulation imparted by arteriosclerosis and has consequently atrophied.
Any intellecutal task is a great effort for Plumbum patients in full bloom. You ask a question, and they will be very slow to answer. This is not, however, the slowness of Phosphorus, which arises out of an emptiness in the head, nor is it the slow answering of Mercury, which is a result of confusion and distractibility. In Plumbum, the mind is sluggish in its functions, and the patient makes great efforts to answer your question. You see the knotted brow and the obvious effort involved in trying to come up with the answer. This is highly characteristic in Plumbum.
On the emotional level as well, there is a kind of paralysis which can best be described by the word APATHY. This is very similar