
Essence of Materia Medica – page 164

ifest as an irrational fear that a fatal accident will befall her hus-band; she believes day in and day out that her husband will be killed, and she stays awake late into the night awaiting his return home.
In the third stage of Platina pathology, a true insanity develops, depending on which direction the pathology has taken. On the one hand, the haughtiness becomes exaggerated into an insane delusion of grandeur. Whereas previously she has kept such feel-ings largely to herself, in the insane stage it becomes overt. She believes she is royalty, that others are beneath her, that she is great and powerful and deserving of respect and deference. Unlike Veratrum album, who believes himself to be Jesus Christ or John the Baptist; an actual confusion of identity, and a sense of being given an important mission in life—the Platina delusion is an exaggerated sense of personal ego status.
The other form of Platina insanity manifests as an aggressive erotic mania. This is not merely the shamelessness or passive exposure of the genitals which we see in Hyoscyamus. It is practically indis-tinguishable from the erotic mania of Tarentula—an active, aggressive state, in which she will approach even strangers with an overt sexual proposition. The above-described essence of Pla-tina is particularly evident in the physical symptoms. As men-tioned there is the feeling of exaggerated size of parts of the body or of the entire body. This is also represented symbolically in the characterisitc Platina sensation as if a part is bound by a band¬age (characteristic in an even stronger degree in Anacardium). There may be numbness (particularly around the lips), coldness, and cramping of muscles. There is a great hyperaesthesia of the genitals, becoming most painful to the touch, even to the point of preventing coition or speculum examination by the physician. Such hyperaesthesia seems to be caused by excessive congestion of the genitals and pelvic organs. Platina has even cured a preg-nant woman who developed voluptuous spasms of the uterus, with orgasms which occurred so frequently and intensely that the spasms threatened spontaneous abortion.
To summarize then, the essence of Platina is a schism and per-version of the mental and sexual spheres, in a proud, sensitive woman, who has suffered repeated emotional disappointments, leading progressively to delusions of grandeur, or aggressive erotic mania.