
Essence of Materia Medica – page 160

Platina is a remedy which exemplifies the process of perversion of and conflict between normal functions which can occur in a particular type of individual. The Platina patient, on the one hand, is driven by a powerful, excessive sexual desire; on the other hand, she is strongly idealistic and romantic in her amorous relation-ships. The tension, and eventual conflict, between these two aspects of her nature, the repeated disappointments inevitable for a person of such intensity and sensitivity, leads to the pathology which is the essence of this remedy.
As a general rule, Platina most readily affects a particular personality type. Physically, this person tends to be lean, of dark hair, eyes, and complexion. The face is usually round, with full sensual lips. It most readily affects women of a sensitive nature, at once sensual and idealistic. In children, the Platina type may display the traits of pride and integrity.
The Platina pathology shows itself pn two levels, primarily the sexual and the mental. From a young age, the Platina woman feels a strong sexual desire, which can be distractingly intense. Throughout life, and beginning at a young age, there may be great hyperaesthesia of the genitals, leading to masturbation. (Orig-anum is another remedy which displays masturbation in young girls, but it tends to occur more in childhood between the ages of 3 and 7 years, rather than at puberty). The Platina woman is likely to become involved sexually at a young age, and emotion-ally she will throw herself wholeheartedly into a sexual relation-ship, with great romanticism and idealism. To compare it with other remedies, we find that Natrum mur, Sepia, Causticum and Calc.carb. develop sexual relationships generally later in life. On the other hand, sexuality occurs at a quite young age in Nux vomica, Lachesis, Coffea cruda, Platina and Staphysagria. (The Staph-ysagria patient is too sesitive emotionally to face a sexual relationship, however, and therefore develops a highly active fantasy life, with early masturbation).
The Platina patient wants the relationship to be as fulfilling emotionally as she desires it to be sexually; unfortunately, her desires