
Essence of Materia Medica – page 155

Diffusion is the theme which runs through the Phosphorus pathology. Diffusion is the process of spreading outward into the environment, like smoke spreading outward into the air, or the colour from a tea bag diffusing uniformly into water. The same happens to the energy, the awareness, the emotions, and even the blood of the Phosphorus patient. It is as if there are no (barriers for this—physical, emotional, or mental. Because of this, the Phosphorus patient is vulnerable to all types of influences. On the physical level, we see that almost any injury or stress results in haemorrhage; this occurs because the sheaths of the blood ves¬sels are weak and easily allow the blood to diffuse into surrounding tisssues. On the emotional plane, the Phosphorus patient’s emotions freely go out toward others, with little ability of the patient to contain them and protect the self from emotions vul-nerability. Mentally, the patient easily forgets himself, even to the degree that awareness can become too diffuse and unfocussed; the patient becomes easily "spaced out’.’
Let us first describe a person in the healthy state who neverthe-less possesses the Phosphorus predilecation, which can emerge into a desease state if the defence mechanism becomes over-whelmed by too much stress; in doing so, however, keep in mind that we only prescribe on the pathological symptoms, not on the healthy ones. The Phosphorus pateint physically is usually lean, tall, and delicate in features, hair, skin and hands. As a child, this person is warm, outgoing, affectionate, artistic or musical and very sensitive. The child is very open and impressionable; one can "see through" such a child, whose being is effortlessly mani-fested, without much reserve. During adolescence, there is a tre-mendous growth spurt which leads to the typically lean, lanky appearance.
Throughout life, the Phosphorus type person is a warm, friendly extrovert who enjoys friendship and company very much, but also may enjoy solitude to pursue artistic endeavours. Such a person is enjoyable to have around, because he or she is truly