
Essence of Materia Medica – page 154

acid the emotional is the initial primary foucs. In Picric acid the weakness begins on the mental level and works down through the emotional to the physical plane. For Picric acid, the exciting cause is exertion of the mind. Picric acid patients can stand very little mental exertion; if they continue to work despite the mental weakness, they are liable to get a headache; this is particularly true of Picric acid children (compare Calc. phos. in this situation). Next follows indifference—not, however, as profound as in Phos-phoric acid. Finally, there occurs paralytic weakness in the extremities and in the entire body; this is a result of degeneration of the spinal cord. Another differential point is that Picric acid is aggravated by heat, whereas Phophoric acid is chilly.
Muriatic acid weakness begins in the physical body. There is a profound weakness of muscles—so much so that the patient slides down in the chair or bed because of sheer lack of muscular power. There is also a weakness or paralysis of the tongue and sphincter muscles. From the physical level, the weakness progresses into the emotional and eventually the mental plane.