
Essence of Materia Medica – page 147

room while loudly slamming the door. He is intolerant to contradiction, but not so much from arrogance or haughtiness (like Lyc-opodium or Platinum), but rather because he is certain he is right and is impatient with others who have not thought the problem through as quickly or as thoroughly as he; and, indeed, he is most often right. His impulsivity can lead to many personnel difficulties; Nux vomica patients are blunt and undiplomatic, and there-fore would not make very good politicians by nature.
In the next stage of development, Nux becomes actually malicious, cruel, violent. Cruetly may begin by talking behind the backs of others, particularly arising out of impulse, kicking ani-mals (Like medorrhinum). As this progresses, Nux may become outright violent; most likely, many husbands who beat their wives, or parents who commit child abuse would benefit from Nux, (if the rest of the image fits, of course). The violence is not necessarily focussed always on others; Nux also can have a sui-cidal disposition, particularly by shooting himself with a gun or jumping from a height.
The final stage of Nux is a state of insanity, a paranoid state. The Nux patient is constantly tormented by the impulse to kill others, but may not manifest actual violence. A woman may be haunted by a desire to throw her baby into the fire, or to kill her husband. In the Repertory Nux is listed under a variety of delusions having to do with murder, being murderded, being injured or insulted, and of failure. To the external observer, however, the internal torment of the Nux patient may not be at all evident. This is the stage when Nux has an aversion to company and refuses to answer questions. It is a state of mental disorder which may appear very much like that described in the last stage of Arsenicum; although a careful history of the stages of the development of the pathology will make the distinction very clear. Nux is self-reliant, independent, compulsively hard-working, overly efficient, and irritable and impulsive; while Arsenicum is insecure, dependent concerned about personal health and comfort, compulsive about cleanliness and order, and very anxious.
Considering the physical level of the Nux image, a general impression is that Nux vomica primarily affects functional difficulties. It does not have the deep degenerations that are characteristic, for example, in Arsenicum, which has deep spreading