
Essence of Materia Medica – page 143

NUX VOMICA (nax-v.)
Nux vomica is one of the more commonly prescribed remedies in the homoeophathic Materia Medica, being one of the reme¬dies absolutely essential for every homoeopath to know in depth. To begin with, we will describe the type of person most com¬monly affected by Nux, and then describe in more depth the pecul¬iar Nux vomica pathology. Generally, the, Nux person possesses a husky, soliti, compact, muscular body type, a basically strong constitution. They are ambitious, intelligent, quick, capable and competent. Frequently, their upbringing emphasises a strong sense of duty, and strongly values the work ethic. The Nux person is self-reliant rather than dependent. Their intelligence is pragma¬tic and efficient rather than philosophical or intellectual. The Nux person in the non-pathological state, makes an excellent, hard-working, efficient employee—and their talents lead them toward such occupations as supervisors, managers, businessmen, accoun¬tants, salesmen.
As always in homoeopathy, however, we must be careful not to prescribe Nux vomica on the basis of such positive and construc¬tive personality traits. Unlike the techniques of astrology, pal¬mistry, handwriting analysis, physiognomy and others, which describe the qualities of the person—whether for good or bad— homoeopathy bases its prescriptions on the pathological state of the person. We would not wish to give a remedy which might make a person less pragmatic and efficient! So, let us consider the states in the develoment of the pathological state requiring Nux vomica for cure.
In the first stage, the Nux person demonstrates an exaggeration, an excess of the normally beneficial qualities of ambition and con-scientiousness. Instead of using their talents merely at work in an appropriate, relaxed and balanced manner, the Nux person begins to become ruled by them. The ambition begins to occupy him during all the hours of the day and night, becoming a driv¬ing ambition, an over-emphasis on achievement and competi¬tion. Nux is the most competitive remedy in the Materia Medica, competitive to the point of damaging his own health and even at