
Essence of Materia Medica – page 139

observed today with our smooth cars. I believe it is actually an amelioration from gentle vibrations of the whole body, a steady vibration which ameliorates by gently stimulating the circulation.
Physically, Nitric acid patients look anaemic, with sunken pale skin, especially in the face. The expression is haggard and anx¬ious. Nitric acid patients, because of their general weakness, give the impression that their health is deteriorating rapidly. In the early stages, symptoms are mostly on the physical level, the patient does not bring out any of the great anxiety about health which is produced in later stages. He says,"Never mind if_ I die", but INTERNALLY he is quite worried that eventually his health is going to break down. This internal feeling, together with the physical weakness, gives him a sense of defeat in regard to his health. He eventually reaches the conclusion that nothing can be done for him. Thus, there is a kind of despair of recovery in Nitric acid, though not as prominent or as clear as we see in Cal-carea or Arsenicum.
As always, it is important to recall that once the symptomatology enters on the deeper planes, many of the physical symp¬toms may disappear. Once the anxiety over health and fear of death become a constant torment, we may no longer get the odour from the feet, or the desires for both fat and salt, even if they have not been already suppressed as being "bad for health". The physical symptoms disappear in proportion to the increase in fears and anxieties.
The Nitric acid individual has an unrestful sleep, he wakes up in the morning feeling very cross, very irritable, and very tired. Each of the main remedies for unrefreshing sleep has its own unique qualities. Nitric acid is so irritable at this time of day that nobody can even greet him. I remember a Nitric acid case who was working in a shop. The customers, of course, would come in and say "Good morning." He would merely mumble a grudg¬ing "Morn…". It is too difficult for him to speak in the morning. Everything looks very dark and desperate for Nitric acid in the morning. The pains, on the other hand, are all aggravated at night; the splinter-like pains, arthritic pains, and the pains in the long bones.
Turning now to the emotional pathology, we see in the Nitric acid an "anxiety neurosis". Kent talks about the great sensitivity