
Essence of Materia Medica – page 135

they have created within, they become fearful.
Along with the claustrophobia, there occurs a rigidification of the emotional and mental planes. The patient develops fixed ideas; things are seen in terms of good or bad, right or wrong, correct or incorrect, practical or impractical.
Eventually, a hypochondriacal anxiety about health emerges, particularly in regard to heart disease. This hypochondriasis is related to the fastidiousness seen in Natrum mur. The patient is driven by a compulsive need to avoid contamination—always cleaning, washing hands, disinfecting everything. In Natrum mur. fastidi ousness is specificially a fear of microbial contamination, and not so much the feeling of disgust seen in other remedies {Sulph, Puis, Merc, Phos, Mezereum). Also, in Natrum mur. anxiety about health is much less significant than hypochondriasis, which is more of an anxiety—compulsive attention to details about health.
Finally, even the compulsive control mechanisms break down completely, and the person openly expresses everything which previously had been disallowed. They become shameless, exhi-bitionistic, speak in obscenities, etc. In the final stage, Natrum mur. patients do not usually lose mental control to the point of developing full-blown insanity, but shameless behaviour may occur.
Natumi mur. is such a deep-acting remedy, and it is so commonly indicated in our western world, that there are many other remedies to which it should be compared.
Ignatia, of course, is the closest of all remedies to Natrum mur. In many respects, they are virtually identical. For this reason, they often replace one another in particular cases. Generally, Ignatia acts more superficially and is more likely to be indicated in cases where patients’ reactions are more superficial. Natrum mur. patients have greater strength, they can tolerate more emotional stress and more intense shocks without breaking down. In Ignatia, the person breaks down with relatively minor stress. In addition, the Ignatia pathology does not as readily affect the physical level. Thus. Ignatia is more indicated in emotional reactions appearing after ordinary griefs experienced in life, whereas Natrum mur. is more commonly indicated in instances of extraordinary stresses, particularly those causing breakdown on the physical level.