
Essence of Materia Medica – page 133

such conditions are likely to occur after a period of introversion following a sever grief or humiliation.
Alternatively, the patient may become hysterically reactive to every influence in the environment—overly sensitive to noise, to light, to cigarette smoke, etc. In such patients, allergies and eczema are common.
Neurological disorders are also very common in Natrum mur. Neu¬ralgias affecting the left eye or the left intercostal nerves, for exam¬ple, are frequent. Multiple sclerosis often responds to Natrum mur. as well, when the totality of symptoms fits. Heart disease can occur, but it tends to mainfest as arrhythmias and palpi¬tations—which arise from the influence of the nervous system on the heart.
It is during the earliest phases of pathology that some of the most well-known Natrum mur. keynotes are found. The patient lias a strong desire for salt, and an aversion to slimy food and to fat, there is an aversion to chicken as well. Characteristically, there is an intolerance to heat, sensitivity to light, and aggravation (of headaches and skin particularly) from the sun. These are true to varying degrees in all of the Natrums, but they are more or less equally expressed in Natrum mur. The Natrum mur. aggra¬vations from the sun and light are not as marked as they are in Natrum sulph. and its aggravation from the sun is not as marked as in Natrum carb. The Natrum mur. patient may be sensitive to both heat and to cold, though usually more so to heat. It is less sensitive to heat than Natrum sulph., and also less sensitive to cold than Natrum carb.
A characteristic symptom of Natrum mur. is the inability to pass urine or stool in the presence of others. This arises from the fear of ridicule, resulting in a chronic tension of sphincter muscles which can be relaxed only in private.
As the emotional vulnerability becomes increasingly patholog¬ical the patient becomes depressed. This is a depression which is inconsolable, and may even become suicidal. Suppose, for example, a young man experiences a severe rejection or grief; he retires to his room and puts on the saddest music he can find. The music is not designed to alleviate the depression, but rather to add to it. He wallows in the depression. If one thing has gone wrong, he exaggerates everything out of all proportion. He allows