
Essence of Materia Medica – page 128

There is much ulceration, particularly of the skin and mucous membranes (aphthae) in Mercurius. These are phagadenic ulcc-rations, ulcers which the body does not have the power to heal and therefore allows them to spread insidiously over ever wid¬ening areas.
When a suppuration or ulceration is established in Mercurius, there is not enough power to heal them, so a progressive decompo-sition results. This is most evident in degeneration of the gums. The gums break down, causing a loosening of teeth, a formation of pockets of pus, and a very offensive odour. The offensive odours characteristic of Mercurius result from the decomposition which is inevitable in a system lacking the power to react.
Just as we see that perspiration occurs from oversensitivity of the system to any burden placed upon it, we also can see a sim¬ilar process resulting in the Mercurius excessive salivation. The stomach is disrupted by almost any influence, and then even the slightest disturbance in the stomach results in excessive saliva¬tion, The salivation can be seen at any time of day or night, but it is most marked during the night, a typical time of aggravation1 for Mercurius. Having such low reactivity, the patient is steadily weakened by all the influences during the day, until finally the weakness becomes most evident at night; bone pains, the inflam¬matory symptoms, the nervous system complaints, the fear of insanity, and the salivation are all worse at night.
As an intermediate stage in its progression from the surface of the body to the brain, the Mercurius pathology strikes the spine and peripheral nervous system, producing a tremor, seen par¬ticularly in the hands. Such a tremor may frequently be diag¬nosed as being caused by Parkinson’s disease or arteriosclerosis, but its more fundamental cause in a Mercurius case is the defen-cive weakness and consequent instability of function. The patient finds that he is unable to hold a glass of water in his hands with¬out spilling it, unless he braces his elbow or forearm. This tremor is distinctively symbolic of the Mercurius essence. The lack of reactivity—the weakness in the face of all stimuli which are absorbed so easily into the system—results finally in an insta¬bility in normal functions. Just as the temperature control mech¬anism wavers back and forth between slight extremes of heat and cold, constantly trying inefficiently to compensate, so also the