
Essence of Materia Medica – page 126

the strength for such concentration. Every random thought which pops into the mind becomes something to which the patient feels a need to respond. This is related to the inefficiency of mind, but becomes even more extreme as the pathology progresses. Eventually the Mercurius patient becomes susceptible to every conceivable kind of impulse. He may have an impulse to strike, to smash things, to kill someone over a merely slight offence, or even to kill a loved one. (Mercurius, Nux vomica and Phtina are the only remedies listed for this impulse).
These impulses, however, are not readily evident to the ques-tioner. The Mercurius patient feels the urges, but controls them. He is a closed individual, slow to answer, reluctant to. reveal to others what he is feeling. He has enough insight to recognise his vulnerability to stimuli and impulses. Recognising that this sus-ceptibility can produce trouble for him, he simply holds them inside, not allowing them to be socially visible. This is a fragile strategy; the person is still just as vulnerable and must expend considerable energy keeping himself under control.
As the pathology progresses into the third stage, the inefficiency of mind, the poor comprehension, the impulsivity and vulner¬ability finally result in a paranoid state. The patient feels so vul¬nerable that he begins to perceive everyone as his enemy. The’ fragile control mechanism has not succeeded so that inevitably he perceives eveiyone as an adversary, someone he must defend against.
By this point, the patient is not actually insane, but he may feel he is going insane, and he may have a fear of insanity, partic¬ularly at night.
In the final stage of mental pathology, we do not see the devel-opment of overt insanity as we see in many remedies. In Mer-curius, the lack of reactive power is so extreme that it cannot even generate an insane state. Instead there develops imbecility. It is as if the brain has become softened and incapable of react¬ing at all. All stimuli are absorbed, but no longer comprehended.
The sequence of events in the development of illness in Mercur-ius on the physical and mental levels both is one of the classic examples of progression of pathology’so well understood by the science of homoeopathy. Although Mercurius can affect every organ system, we see most commonly that its "target organs" seem