
Essence of Materia Medica – page 123

Study of Mercurius is a prime example of how the concept of the essence of a remedy can clear up a seemingly overwhelming mass of data. Mercurius being one of the more extensively proven and widely used remedies in the Materia Medica, presents a for¬midable array of symptoms for the beginner to study; it is a ver¬itable textbook of pathological states. However, after repeated and prolonged study and meditation on the Materia Medica, one gradually is able to discern a thread, a theme, which runs through the remedy. Once this is comprehended, all the "data" falls in place into a single unique image.
In Mercurius, there is no single word or phrase which adequately describes this thread. The basic idea is that there is a lack of reac¬tive power coupled with an instability or inefficiency of func¬tion. The healthy organism has a defence mechanism, a reactivity, which enables it to create a stable, efficient equilibrium upon exposure to the many physical and emotional stimuli in the envi¬ronment. In Mercurius, this reactive power is weakened, becom¬ing unstable and wavering in its functions. Virtually all stimuli are absorbed by the patient without adequate defence, resulting in a pathological condition.
The lack of defensive power results in the Mercurius patient being sensitive to everything. As we go through the Materia Medica we find that the Mercurius patient is AGGRAVATED by everything—heat, cold, outdoors, wet weather, change of weather, warmth of bed, perspiration, exertions, various foods etc. By con¬trast, there seem to be very few ameliorations; very little can be absorbed by the patient to result in comfort, because the system is unable to properly adjust to anything. As an interesting demon¬stration (though not a generally recommended method for study) one can go through the Generalities section of the Repertory seek¬ing the number of rubrics in which it is listed in italics or bold type as being aggravated or ameliorated by physical influences; there are only 7 listings for amelioration (5 of which have to do with lying down), while there are 55 rubrics describing aggra¬vations. Because of this extreme vulnerability, we s^ that the