
Essence of Materia Medica – page 122

Eventually the patient may admit that there liave been some occa¬sions when’he lost his temper and struck other people or ani¬mals. It is only after probing, however, that one can bring out a clear image of Medorrhinum.
Take as an example Nux vomica. It has aggressiveness, impul¬siveness, and cruelty which could conceivably appear like Medorr¬hinum in its externalised phase. In Nux vomica, however, this is usually a very controlled state. It is controlled anger. When there is cruelty, Nux vomica has a CALCULATED maliciousness which is not typical of Medorrhinum.
Tarentula is a remedy which has the same hurried state. This is an overexcitation of the central nervous system which can be con-trolled by the patient. In Tarentula, however, it is a continuous state which finally leads to collapse. In Medorrhinum, the course of development is much more fitful.
These active remedies can be differentiated easily from medorr¬hinum by the fact that Medorrhinum goes tc the opposite extreme of pathology. Medorrhinum becomes reserved, timid. In this respect, it is somewhat like Thuja. Both misrepresent themselves to other—they want to portray themselves as different than they really are.
Sense of hurriedness inside. They rush around saying "I have to do this! I have to do that!", but when they do something they are not methodical, systematic.
Desire for drinking. Desire for salt, sweets and fat; with a com¬bination of these three think of Medorrhinum. (Desire for cheese—main remedies are Puls., Cist, can., Igrtatia. Hyst).
Children develop red, burning eruptions around the perineum, look red and fiery and make child complain all the time.
Sycotic remedies are better with humidity. With Medorrhinum, if they just sit next to the sea, they will be better.
Compare Syphilinum, much more slow and insidious. Different in their destructiveness. Medorrhinum is fitful, aggressive and momentary. Syphilinum has perversions in sex also; comes from a deep miasmatic cause, from generation to generation; starting at a very young age (i.e. homosexual), whereas Medorrhinum can come later on because of all his sex interest. Syphilinum is born as, Medorrhinum becomes as. Medorrhinum could commit murder in fits of passion.