
Essence of Materia Medica – page 121

There are several symptoms which characterise Medorrhinum on the physical level. There are many rheumatic and arthritic suf-ferings. Particularly, in Medorrhinum patients suffering from rheumatic complaints, there is often great sensitivity of the soles of the feet; they are so tender that the patient cannot walk.
When discharges are suppressed in Medorrhinum, the direction is quite characteristic. First the mucous membranes are affected, then the joints, and finally the heart (considering, of course, only the physical level; deeper emotional and mental changes may occur ccncomitantly). Along with Lycopodium and Lodum, Medorr¬hinum is one of the remedies to recall in heart conditions arising after a streptococcal infection or rheumatoid arthritis. In addi¬tion, allow me to pass on to you a special precaution. When giving Medorrhinum to patients with significant heart pathology, or to patients above the functional age of 60 or so, do not give the initial dose in higher than 200 potency; this caution comes out of a few very unfortunate experiences.
Medorrhinum symptoms are characteristically ameliorated in the evening after the onset of darkness. This applies to symptoms on all three levels. This type of patient will very likely report to you, "I am definitely a night person. Don’t ask me to do any real work during the daytime".
Of course, Medorrhinum is famous for its amelioration in the sea; this again applies to all there levels of the organism. In regions near tolerable swimming areas, this can be a very useful guiding NESS of the sea—as we see in Pulsatilla. In the repertory Medor¬rhinum is listed in several rubrics for food aversions and de¬sires. In my experience, the most useful guiding sysmptoms here are desire for oranges and orange juice.
Medorrhinum in its essence presents us witn an excellent exam-ple of the need for deep and careful case-taking and analysis. In different aspects, Medorrhinum can easily be confused with many other remedies. For example, the mental state can appear almost identical to Alumina—especially when you only see the patient in the office, separate from life stinuli. You must learn to VISUALISE the person in his or her life. Every patient appears as a saint during a medical consultation. Therefore, you must i^arn to pick up on every little hint. Stimulated perhaps by a glimmer in the eye or an inflection in the voice, you probe further for more descriptions, for living examples etc.