
Essence of Materia Medica – page 94

Kali bich., like all the Kalis, is difficult to describe on the men-tal/emotional planes. All the Kalis (except Kali arsenicum, which is very similar to Arsenicm) are similar in personality; closed, reserved, able, rigid, and very proper. Kali bich. typifies this type of personality. NARROWNESS on all three levels is perhaps the most apt description.
Kali bich. people, by nature, are closed. They are people who are very conscientious and capable, and usually rather conservative. They tend to create their own little world, usually characterised by rigid routines, and they become quite content in the narrow context they create for themselves. They are set in their ways, and perhaps even unimaginative. A Kali bich. man, for instance, may join a particular political party in his younger years, and he dogmatically insists on the same point of view through out his life- He is naiTow-minded and has difficulty seeing other points of view. In this sense. Kali bich. patients tend to be "squares".
Like most of the Kalis, Kali bich. patients can be quite rnaterialistically-minded in their outlook. They enjoy their home, their family, their car etc. They eat well and enjoy food. They enjoy sex, and they insist on having it on a regular schedule. How¬ever, they accept traditional values; a Kali bich. patient is not likely to engage in adultery, for instance. They accept and insist upon the material point of view. Kali bich. patients would be the last to become spiritual seekers or mystics; and if such a patient does get involved in such a pursuit, it will most likely have a practical, scientific orientation.
IjCali bich. patients are quite closed into their own world. They neither seek nor need company, They have emotions, of course, but they do not show them. A Kali bich. man feels perfectly con-tent to stay alone, or only with his wife. He could be a literary man, focussed on his own paticular field, and content to remain so. He doesn’t want any kind of interference. Even if someone comes to the door and rings the bell., he may not answer it.