
Essence of Materia Medica – page 92

This shock seems to produce a cramp on the whole system, the emotions and the nervous system. May affect the vagus nerve. Unable to breathe properly sometimes, must take a deep breath. Ignatia may not cry. Will complain that they can’t cry. (Cramp¬ing on the emotional level). Emotion is strong, but it is inside, cannot be expressed, unlike Phos. ac. where there is a paralysis of emotion with complete indifference. When she does cry, she will cry with sobs, so much so that the whole system will go into spasm. Instability, unpredictability, she says illogical things, insane things. Can’t calm her down by talking to her logically. The same unpredictability will run through the physical symp¬toms e.g. eating the simplest food and can’t digest, while eating heavy foods will feel OK. This shock in Ignatia can go deep enough to affect the hormonal system. If it goes deep enough, you may see traits of masculinity e.g. growing hair, or a kind of aloofness. Will sit back, take chair farthest away from the office. If she can’t explain something logically, she becomes suspicious.
If such a state is left untreated for many years, she becomes more and more withdrawn into herself. A state of mind that can become diffused. A great irresolution, they can’t decide. Also during that state is a fear of insanity. May develop anxiety about health. They feel they may die from heart disease or cancer. Anxiety worse at sunset, together with a sensation of constriction of the throat, i.e. hyperthyroidism where they feel a lump. Constriction in the throat. During such a disturbance she may stay in bed for sev¬eral days because she feels something serious may come on. If married, she worries what may happen to her children if she dies. If progressed, may become the classical hysteria. Ignatia’s hysteria-like condition may bring her down into spasm. Parox¬ysms of cough, in such order that you feel she may not have time to breathe. Cough is dry, appears sensitive, not much fever. Such states may exchange themselves for conditions like chorea. Especially in children.
After shock, goes on brooding, can’t take a reprimand. Other layer may need to be eradicated under Ignatia in these choreas. Sup-pression of choreic movements builds up an energy that must be discharged at one time or another (or convulsions or distor¬tions). Some eleme of transient paralysis or a feeling of numb-thing that i soothing for another patient may not help