
Essence of Materia Medica – page 90

excite more coughing. So strong that she does not have time to breathe in. Does not have time to drink anything. Sudden momen-tary paralysis of parts. Inflamed parts, red, swollen, not sensitive to pressure. Better swallowing solids; worse when empty, or liquids.
Symptoms start after severance of love affair or death. Hurt very easily, becomes withdrawn and sulks; at this point cannot tol¬erate any contradiction of those closest to her. When in a love affair, she will suppress, until one day it will come out in hys¬terical reaction, she will accuse the man of coldness, of not show¬ing enough attention, Sensitive women in our society, forced to be aggressive. She will suffer from the liberation movement. Even¬tually withdraws inside, sulks, over-protection of herself, becomes critical. Once alone, overwhelmed with a sense of loneliness. Grief. She will want to go back to the relationship. (Many times you will get the same remedy with couples). (Causticum and Phos¬phorous inimical). Great sensitivity inside, really a perfectionist. Does not accept the reality; how could he leave? Constantly dis¬satisfied with their emotional life. Out of their grief comes the attitude life is not worth living. She will be thinking of com¬mitting suicide, but she will not do it, she is too logical (but will think about it a lot).
If the mental level is affected, during the shock, she may develop a type of delirium. Torticollis, if things go into the physical with great force. Choera, cramping, unexpected reactions, to external or internal stimuli. Always expect these unexpected reactions from the Ignatia patient. Unexpected in the emotions; you are nice to her and she turns out to be nasty. Unexpected in the mental plane. Always an unpredictable manner in which she reacts. Can develop a hardness, criticalness, indifference to sex, not an aversion.
Homosexuality—(Sepia, Pulsatilla, Platina, Medorrhinum).