
Essence of Materia Medica – page 83

Frist time used it had a very severe case :
– Rich lady, too sick to come to the office.
– Could not go further than her own block of houses, even
in her Rolls Royce.
– Agoraphobia and claustrophobia.
– Eyes were glistening and wild and very vivid and fearful.
– Arrived perspiring—tremendous anxiety.
– Said for 15 years could not leave the house.
– If car stopped in front of hers—had a tremendous crisis and
had to get out of the car and send someone to fetch it.
– Fear of something she swallows sticking in her throat, a piece
of apple stuck there once.
Gave a series of remedies for one and a half years (at least 10 remedies) a little better but did not hold.
– Thinking fast. Veiy alert. All the senses heightened.
– When she became accustomed to coming, wanted to come
once a week.
– *Then one day she said she left a tap running and immed¬
iately had to go and urinate.
Asked her if she had been bitten by a dog and had rabies vac-cination. She said yes, age 5. Rx. HYDROPHOBINUM.
– Eruption broke out +++ shoulders, arms and back.
– Feeling of tongue filling the whole mouth to make her choke.
– Thoughts of suicide and doing something violent.
– Mental depression—feel stupid—unable to comprehend any¬
thing. Other times : mental AWARENESS AND EXCITE¬
– Quite forceful and abusive about others. Think people abuse
– Very critical and scolding.
– < seeing water, hearing running water.
– Fear of choking even without eating. Have to have a bottle
of water with them all the time in case of choking. Have