
Essence of Materia Medica – page 80

To summarise Hepar sulph. in two words, one could say; OVER-SENSITIVE and ABUSIVE. Hepar patients appear as if their nerves are on edge, as if the nerve endings are raw and exposed. In this state, they feel as if they are going to break apart, that they cannot take the slightest pressure—whether physical or psychological. Then they become angry, nasty, vicious, and abusive of other people.
In the first stage of pathology in Hepar, there is a general weak-ness and sensitivity. They may become irritable over small things, but this is still controllable situation.
Next, there is a nervous excitement. Everything is done in a hurry. He speaks fast, eats fast, drinks fast, etc. The nervous system becomes would up into a super-excited state. This state of hastiness is most comparable to Sulphuric acid in its intensity.
As the nervous system pathology becomes more extreme, the over-sensitiveness becomes most evident. At first, this is man¬ifest in the typical Hepar sensitivity to cold. Hepar is aggravated by dry cold air, especially by dry cold winds. Humid, cold weather, which bothers most people, is not so severe for Hepar patients.
A memorable peculiarity of Hepar is its sensitivity to cold surfaces., Touching such a surface with only the fingertips can bring on a general aggravation. Again, in this symptom we see the concept of exposed, oversensitive nerve endings. There is an IMMEDIATE reaction—a cough or a chill—without delay. Even sticking a hand or a foot out from under the covers may bring on these svmotoms.
,iepar suiph. is aggravated by open air, any kind of draft, colu dry winds – all these are intolerable to Hepar patients and bring on generalised aggravations. This is why Hepar is considered one of the best remedies for progressed stages of the common cold. It is not wise to give such a deep acting remedy for an ordinary common cold. If you have given Aconite, Bryonia, Gelsemium, etc. but the cold has nevertheless imprinted itself deeply on the organism as a sinusitis or chronic bronchitis, especially when