
Essence of Materia Medica – page 75

emptiness arising out of physical weakness. In Graphites, it is an emptiness of thinking itself. It is an absence of thoughts. They feel that nothing is happening inside. Sometimes this may also be described as a sensation of fullness inside the head which blunts the thinking. As with most polarities in Homoeopathy, either of these extremes can apply in Graphites.
Because of the dullness of mind, there is also irresolution. Graph-ites patients cannot make even the simplest decisions. They may go into a store and spend a lot of time trying to decide whether the price is good or not. Finally, because they cannot make up their mind, they leave the store empty handed.
Eventually Graphites patients become aware that their mind is not working properly. This awareness then leads to various anx¬ieties. In particular, they develop the fear that something bad is going to happen. They are aware that they do not quite com¬prehend everything that is happening, so they feel a calamity is going to strike. This is not so much the fear of insanity that is so characterstic of Calcarea. Rather, it is a fear of some misfor¬tune impinging upon them from the outside world.
All of these mental and emotional symptoms are worse in the morning—especially upon waking; the blandness of intellect, the anxieties, the fears, the irresolution, and physical sufferings as well. They do not want tc do their work, especially if it involves intellectual effort. By evening, however, the pressures of the day let up, and they feel relieved. In the evening, they may be cap-able of becoming excitable—even emotionally aroused. Never theless, by the next morning, the pathological state again reappears.
Whenever Graphites patients are in an unhappy mood, listening to music makes them feel even more miserable. This is not like Natrum mur. patients, whose sensitivity is more refined—roman¬tic and sentimental—and who indulge their depressions by list¬ing to music. In Graphites, it is an actual aggravation. Music makes them feel miserable, and they cry out of self pity.
On the physical plane, the skin is the major focus of pathology. Just as we see thickening and sclerosis on deeper levels of the organism, there are thickenings in the skin. Graphites has a pro-minent tendency to form keloids after a wound or a surgical ope-