
Essence of Materia Medica – page 71

has eruptions of the face, and if these are suppressed a painful facial neuralgia may occur.
When you first study a Dulcamara case, you may immediately think of Calc. carb., and indeed Dulcamara is quite similar in many respects. Dulcamra patients tend to be obese. They are chilly—particularly aggravated in changes from warm to cold. They may desire sweets. For years I puzzled over this dilemma, especially when Calcarea did not help much. I still cannot recall how Dulcamara came to mind, but it probably was triggered by some relatively minor physical symptoms. It is only after seeing Dulcamara dramatically transform a few cases like this that I could finally discern the beginning of its essence. After taking dulcamara these patients become much calmar, their blood pres-sure normalises, and they lose their extreme concern for their rel-atives.
Kali. carb. i- another remedy that comes easily t( lind in such cases. It is uptight, intolerant to cold and has a desire for sweets. Kali. carb. however, is much.more independent than Dulcamara-not nearly so likely to be concerned about others.
Arsenicum, of course, is another remedy to compare. It has great anxiety about others and is chilly as well. Arsenicum, however, is anxious about losing his or her relatives because of depen¬dency. He or she needs others to provide a feeling of security. Dulcamara’s anxiety is just the opposite; it arises out of a sense of possessiveness, a need to dominate. In addition, Dulcamara is far more strong-willed and forceful than Arsenicum.