
Essence of Materia Medica – page 66

Chelidonium of course, is predominantly a liver remedy. A patient who has been suffering from Chelidonium symptoma¬tology for some time will have a dirty yellowish hue to the skin, or even a copperish colour.
Like other liver remedies, Chelidonium’s symptoms are charac-teristically worse in the morning. There is unrefreshed sleep. Also, Chelidonium has a specific time aggravation at 4 a.m., partic¬ularly regarding neuralgias and headaches. This is an interesting peculiarity considering the Lycopodium has a 4 p.m. aggravation. Chelidonium is not worse specifically in the afternoon, but both Chelidonium and Lycopodium feel better in the evening—after 8 p.m. or so.
Generally, Chelidonium patients are aggravated by cold, except the headaches, sinusitis, and neuralgias, which are ameliorated by cold. Chelidonium is characteristically worse from changes of weather even from cold to warm. It is known to be aggra¬vated in general by wet weather, but I do not believe this is a strong symptom; I have seen several Chelidonium patients who are able to live near the sea with little difficulty.
Chelidonium is a markedly right-sided remedy. Especially during hepatitis pains, it has characteristic pain in the right hypochon-drium which extends to the inferior angle of the scapula. In acute cases, this symptom is practically a necessity for prescribing Chel¬idonium. Chelidonium is not ameliorated by lying on the pain-ful side.
Chelidonium has arthritic pains which are secondary to liver disease. These typically affect the right shoulder and both knees (with some preference for the right knee). The knee pains are mar¬kedly aggravated by walking. Chelidonium is one of the pri-mary remedies to consider in knee pains aggravated by walking.
Chelidonium has a strong characteristic which I have not seen emphasised in the books. It has a strong desire for milk and milk products, especially cheese It can have either a desire for or an aver¬sion to cheese, but it is seldom neutral. In addition, Cheli-donium desires warm drinks and warm food—and is made better by them.
Chelidonium develops slowly in its pathology, and is slow to
respond once the remedy has been given. Do not be in a hurry
to change remedies if the response after a month is not impres-