
Essence of Materia Medica – page 56

Again it needs to be emphasised that this is a gradual decline. At first, the patient begins to notice a lessening of mental powers, then comes the foreboding that something bad is going to happen to him or others, next other fears begin to manifest, and finally the degeneration into passive imbecility.
It is well known that Causticum is a highly sympathetic remedy. This sympathy may not be prominent in the early stages of stim-ulation but the prescriber can detect the tendency underneath. The excessive concern for injustices in the world, and intolerance to authority, are the early signs which MANIFEST LATER as extreme sympathy for the pain of others. For example, I recall a woman in labour who could not tolerate the cries and screams of other women in labour. Despite the fact that the ward was very hot, she had to close the doors and windows tight in order to avoid hearing the sufferings of the other women.
On the physical level, Causticum has a variety of quite charac-teristic symptoms to guide or confirm a prescription. The most characteristic modality is AGGRAVATION BY DRY COLD WEATHER. Exposure to dry cold air can immediately affect the nervous system, especially peripherally. Paralysis may date from exposure to cold, affecting facial muscles, vocal cords (complete aphonia, especially in the morning). Peculiarly enough, there is an amelioration of rheumatic pains in wet weather—even in cold wet. On the other hand, the rheumatic pains are strikingly aggra¬vated by BATHING in cold water, while DRINKING cold water ameliorates gastritis pains and especially the cough (ALTHOUGH NOT AS DRAMATICALLY AS THE AMELIO¬RATION FROM COLD DRINKS IN THE Spongia cough). The pains of Causticum are quite characteristic, m me paraiync state, there are characteristic electric-like shooting pains in the affected area. Alumina and Arg. nit. are more commonly indi-cated for these kinds of pains, but Causticum should not be for-gotten. Of, course, there are all kinds of cramping pains and muscle twitching in Causticum. There are convulsions, chorea, torticollis, and a peculiar kind of nervous restlessness of the legs especially while lying in bed.
Another type of Causticum pain is a feeling of RAWNESS, "like an open woμnd." This is most characteristic during bronchitis. The patient suffers from a powerful cough accompanied by a raw