
Essence of Materia Medica – page 53

Capsicum Annuum

— May be irritable and awkward but desire security.
— Lazy, try to do best with least effort.
— Lies in unusual position on back with right knee raised to get to sleep.
— Ulcers, haemorrhoids, palpitations, anxiety, depression.
— No fear of death.
— Remedy usually given after failure of others (e.g. Calc, Nux).
— The organism is lazy, difficult to arouse.
— Awkward (not as much as Apis, Bovista).
— Fear of censure.
— Homesick with red cheeks.
— In children, great obstinacy and capriciousness (Cham, Cina).
— Sensitive to noise during Mil.
— Enlarged sensation in head
— Pain in head during coughing.
— *Severe mastoiditis with burning pain.
— Lack of reflection.
— *Anxiety is not easily seen (Opposite of Helleborus).
— Add to Repertory for desires pepper.
EAR : Mastoiditis severe and burning. Hearing becomes acute
during a chill. MOUTH : Ulcers, burning, gums inflamed. COUGH : ** Offensive odour from coughing, even to patient
himself. THROAT : Red. Hoarse from over-use of voice.
— Coffee causes nausea (but desires it).
— Thirst before chill. Thirst after stool.
* BLADDER : Pain during coughing. Used in gonorrhoea with creamy discharge.
— Sensation of cold air in rectum. GENITALIA : Cold in morning on waking.
— Sleeplessness from homesickness. GENERAL : > emotion, warmth.
< cold, stimulants. N.B. Capsicum wakes 3 hours after going to sleep whatever time this may be, i.e. not a specific time like Kali bich.