
Essence of Materia Medica – page 42

Calc. phos. is a remedy which probably is not adequately apprec¬iated. It is very deep-acting remedy with a wide spectrum of symptomatology, but it is easy to mistake for other remedies more classically know as "polychrests". I kown in my own practice that I have frequently given Calc. carb., Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, and even Chamomilla when I should have given Calc. phos. Gradually, however, I have learned to discern a few points which distinguish it from other remedies. In this chapter I shall try to highlight these characteristics, along with the most striking points of its general symptomatology.
DISCONTENT is the main theme around which the image of Calc. phos. develops. Calc. phos. patients do not know what they want. They know something has gone wrong with their system, but they do not know precisely what it is or what to do about it. Sluggishness has affected the whole organism, and this brings about a deep discontent, a deep dissatisfaction.