
Essence of Materia Medica – page 40

and overexertion finally leads to a breakdown, first on the phys¬ical level, and later on the emotional and mental levels. Overexertion—either physical or mental—is the greatest enemy of Calc. carb. patients.
Pathology on the physical level in the adult Calc. carb. patient primarily affects the musculo-skeletal system. Rheumatism and arthritis are the main manifestations on the physical level. In the adult, there is definitely an aggravation from cold, wet weather, and an amelioration from warmth. The first region affected in Calc. carb. patients is the lumbar region. The trouble starts there and then spreads to the cervical region and out to the extremities. When¬ever you see a patient who is slightly obese, affected by cold wet weather, and his main complaints centre around arthritis and rheumatism, there is already a strong possibility of Calc.carb.
Calc. carb. patients have cold extremities. They wear socks to bed at night. However, they end up taking the socks off later in the night because the feet begin to burn.
Simultaneously with the emotional plane, the mental level begins to break down as well. They tend to focus on little things, to obsess about irrelevant details. They make silly little jokes, or they keep talking about insignificant things which are unimportant to anyone else.
At this point, the previous anxiety about the future gives way to anxiety about health. There is fear of infectious diseases, of tub¬erculosis, of heart disease, of cancer etc. Nowadays, Calc. carb. patients are particularly susceptible to fears of cancer and heart disease. Naturally, there is a strong fear of death.
Eventually, this fear-ridden state leads of a hysterical state. They seem to lose their powers of comprehension and concentration. They don’t know what they want, and they become very agitated. They pace up and down. They have impulses to smash things, to jump out of the window, to shout and scream. All this is without pro¬vocation, or verv little provocation. They are in a state of turmoil, and they just want to shout or do something desperate.
At this point, these patients truly are on the verge of insanity. If they do progress into true schizophrenia or other psychosis, however, another remedy will most likely be needed. In my experience, Calc.carb., is not indicated in an actually psychotic patient.