
Essence of Materia Medica – page 37

Calcarea carbonia is a very broad remedy with many ramifica-tions. Perhaps the best way to describe it is to take each of the three levels separately.
The fundamental disturbance of calcium metabolism which Calc. carb. epitomises seems to manifest in two different body types. Most Calc. carb. cases, of course, are the fair, fat, flabby types so well described in the literature. These people gain weight easily and have difficulty losing it even when consuming very few calor-ies. This is so characteristic of Calc. carb. that it is almost always present. There is another type of appearance which can occasion-‘ ally be seen; a lean, thin, person with a lean face covered by fine wrink-les. The fine wrinkles are arranged in horizontal and vertical lines producing small squares; the overall appearance is of a person who has suffered a great deal. This lean type of Calc. carb. patient undergoes all the typical stages of Calcarea pathology, even though his or her appearance does not resemble the classic stereotype.
It is interesting that a large percentage of infants and children seem to need Calc. carb. Although it should never be prescribed rout-inely, to infants or children, it is neverthelss true that it is pro-bably the most commonly prescribed remedy in the age group, ^o me, this fact suggests that one of the most fundamental dis-turbances in the human organism is that which affects calcium metabolism.
It is for this reason that whenever you encounter a patient 60 or 70 years of age who clearly needs Calc. carb., you can be assured that the patient has a basically strong constitution. Typically, these elderly Calc. carb. patients have lived active lives with very few health problems. Finally perhaps due to over-exertion or exces-sive life stresses, they show some pathology. In such cases, the prognosis is quite good. Anyone who can maintain into old age the same remedy image which is characteristic of childhood can be said to have a basically sound constitution.
Calc. carb. childern present a fairly t ypical picture. They are generally somewhat plump, soft, and flabby. Their compleions