
Essence of Materia Medica – page 24

everything will be finished. Nowadays, however, there is another kind of impulse. Especially during a fit of rage or despondency, they may get into a car and recklessly push the accelerator to the floor in the hope of losing control. Or there may be an impulse to swerve the car into a wall or an embankment.
The Aurum state represents a true living death, a complete destruction of the mind and the will to live, illness beginning on the emotional plane.
It is interesting that Aurum patients, being very proper and mor-alistic, may take another course in their pathology, leading to reli-gious behaviour. Instead of becoming truly suicidal, they tend to pray constantly for salvation. This praying is often accompa¬nied by weeping, and this seems to relieve them. The tremen¬dous gloom and sadness they feel is relieved by praying and weeping hour upon hour.
I remember a schoolmate of mine in India who had painful swel-ling of the testes. He was a nice person and showed no real signs to casual observation of difficulty on the emotional plane. He saw several of the homoeopathic professors who gave him Clematis, Rhododendron, and other remedies, all with no effect. The pain was very severe, so he finally consulted me. At the end of the interview he said, "You know, I am a Christian and I like it, but every night before I go to sleep I feel compelled to pray for one or two hours. I cannot do otherwise". Upon enquiry, it turned out that he was in actuality quite depressed, but never had thoughts of suicide. Aurum was given, and after an aggravation for a few hours, it completely relieved him within three days.
Sometimes Aurum is indicated in children, but they will not show the depression. They will, however, tend to be serious, overly responsible, changeable in moods, irritable with fits of anger, and moaning and lamenting.
It is interesting also that there is a correspondence between the emotional level and heart disease. If, for example, an Aurum patient finds a solution to his problems by other means—divorce and a new love, or some other method—then we may see the appearance of cardiac disorders. There may also be heart disease arising out of suppression of rheumatoid diseases; Aurum is a prominent remedy to consider in easy suppressions affecting the