
Essence of Materia Medica – page 21

The main idea essential to Aurum is ‘DEPRESSION and LOA-THING OF LIFE. Ultimately, this person does not want to live. This idea will be found in practically every Aurum case, whether the patient admits it openly or not.
Aurum patients are closed people. They are not easily able to confess their innermost feelings. In the end, they may freely use the word "depression" but they may be incapable of describing their state more specificially. There are many stages in the devel-opment of Aurum pathology, but always they are closed in their relationship with the world.
These are people who feel themselves quite separate from the world. They tend to remain by themselves; they do not have close friends to whom they can turn when they feel depressed or trou-bled. Usually, they are very proper and correct in their dealings with others—like Kali carbonicum. They are people who are just, honest, fair, and responsible. They would never willingly inflict an injustice on others. They tend to be quite intelligent, hard work-ing and successful. They often attain high positions in society.
Yet, even in the first stages of pathology, these people display a despondency—a dissatisfaction with life in general, especially regarding social and inter-personal relationships. They are closed people who do not express emotions easily. It is as if they are frail on the emotional level; their emotions are not strong enough to be expressed visibly. They are able to accept affection easily from others, but they are not able to return it. Nevertheless, Aurum patients are characteristically sensitive to any criticism. They are serious minded and they take to heart whatever comments are made about them—similar to Natrum mur. They are too serious to make excuses for another person’s harsh remarks—they do not consider the possibility that the person is in a bad mood, under too much stress, not feeling well, etc. In this world view nothing is superficial. Because of their sense of injustice, they may understand the other person’s point of view very well but even so they "take it to heart" (an apt phrase