
Essence of Materia Medica – page 19

but it is an anxiety that springs from a basic cowardice. It is not a fear of death, but a fear of the pain and torture of illness. He has a fear that he won’t be able to cope with a serious illness, that he will fall apart and reveal a lack of courage to others.
So it is clear that the simple rubric "Anxiety About Health" is actually full of wide varieties of shades and subtleties which afe curcial to the precise choice of a correct remedy. This is true of every rubric, as a matter of fact, in the Repertory.
The same is true of another rubric describing a prominent Arsen-icum anxiety—Anxiety for Others. As one would expect from what has already been said, Arsenicum does not have so much of a concern for others per se, but rather a fear of losing someone close to him. Again his anxiety is based on concern for himself. Consequently, he will show little concern over someone who is a stranger to him. It is a fear of loss of someone upon whom he is dependent.
Phosphorus, on the other hand, is so sympathetic and suggest¬ible that he can lose all sense of himself in his concern over some¬one else, whether a close friend or a stranger. If an Arsenicum person were to meet someone new to the area he would wel¬come the company but would make conversation merely for the sake of the company; if the person were to mention, say, diffi¬culties in finding a hotel, the Arsenicum patient would courte¬ously express consolation and perhaps make a few suggestions, but his attitude would basically be, "Well, you have your pro¬blems but what about the problems I have?" The Phosphorus patient, on the other hand, would become excited and say, "You have no hotel? Oh, my goodness we must do something about that! Here, we’ll go right now to the directory and try calling a few!"
Sulpher also has an anxiety about others. In his instance, it is his active imagination which leads to the anxiety. A Sulphur father, for example, might lose sleep worrying about his daughter coming home two hours late from a date. It is not the Arsenicum anxiety over losing his daughter, or the Phosphorus sympathetic anxiety. The Sulphur type will lie awake inventing endless possibilities about what might have happened. He will allow his imagination to blow the whole incident out of pro¬portion to the reality.
Let us return to the stages involved in Arsenicum. The first stage