A webinar session with Professor Vithoulkas on the topic -The “Continuum” of a Unified Theory of Diseases was held on the 9th of March 2021.
This interesting webinar was arranged by the Australian Homeopathic Association as a precursor to their upcoming Online Homeopathic Conference. The webinar topic synced well with the Conference theme of Inside Out because the “Continuum” of a Unified Theory of Diseases speaks about how diseases evolve over the lifetime of an individual and how they are linked to the emotional, mental and physical bodies of an individual.
The registration of around a 1000 attendees from all over the world made this webinar a true international platform which was a huge appreciation of Professor’s teachings.
Divya Bhatt, a member of the Australian Homeopathic Association, introduced Professor Vithoulkas and was the facilitator of the webinar. This was followed by a live lecture by Professor Vithoulkas. The lecture was a manifestation of Professor’s immense knowledge and experience over his 60 years of Homeopathic practise. Professor explained with examples that there is a “Continuum” in the pathological picture of patients that may start from the first pathologies, since birth, that eventually form a chain of pathological conditions right through the years of the life of an individual. This lecture was based on a published article written by Professor himself which was published in the medical peer review journal “Science Medical Monitor”
The lecture was so mesmerising that the attendees requested that Professor continue speaking even though it was time for the Question Answer session. There were a multitude of questions asked on various Homeopathic topics. However, the time constraint meant Professor could only answer a few questions.
The huge audience was an enthusiastic lot and they were all amazed by the in depth knowledge that was shared by Professor on the day. It was a heart warming session where the love for Professor Vithoulkas seemed to resonate even across the distance.
Compliments to the Australian Homeopathic Association and their webinar team who put this event together and made is possible for Homeopaths not only in Australia but all over the world to come together and learn from such a distinguished teacher.
Our immense gratitude lies with Maria Chorianopolou, the Director of IACH, who has always been immensely supportive of Homeopathic education endeavours all over the world.
You may find the video of the webinar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-TpW33zsNk